CCMAD Supports Community Health at Compton’s 2nd Annual 5K Run/Walk

The City of Compton and Compton Unified School District have partnered up to host the 2nd Annual Compton 5K Run/Walk. This annual event was held this past Saturday, June 22nd, where it began at 8am at Centennial High School and ended at the Gateway Town Center development.
Compton City Council Member Tana McCoy – who also serves as a Board Trustee on the Compton Creek Mosquito Abatement District – and Compton Unified Board President Micah Ali – who also serves as Compton Creek’s Board President – were this year’s co-hosts and were instrumental in leading and energizing the crowd for a day of fun and healthy activities.
After the run, children and families were greeted with informational booths, food, age-appropriate activities, and entertainment. Many other educational and health organizations showed up to share valuable resources, including: First 5 Los Angeles, Anthem Blue Cross, Puzzle Mates Tutoring, and Benevolence Health Center.
Naturally, our friendly staff at Compton Creek MAD had an educational booth where we shared helpful tips to protect community members and their families from mosquitoes. And, since the route followed a portion of the Compton Creek, we had a real-life example to showcase when teaching about types of mosquito breeding habitats and stagnant water.
You can help out and join our effort with these five simple tips to protect yourself and loved ones:
Get rid of standing water in and around your property – that’s where mosquitoes breed.
Stay indoors during the hours of dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.
Protect yourself from mosquito bites – wear long-sleeve shirts and pants along with approved insect repellent containing DEET, Picaridin, IR 3535, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus.
Ensure rain barrels and window screens are sealed and in good repair to prevent mosquitoes from entering.
Before handling and disposing of dead birds, report them by calling 877-WNV-BIRD (968-2473).
For more information, visit us online at, give us a call at (310) 933-5321, or find us on Facebook and Twitter @comptoncreekmad.