Los Angeles Board of Supervisors Acts to Prioritize Mosquito Control Funding

In December, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, led by Supervisors Hahn and Barger, introduced a motion to prioritize mosquito control and abatement. The motion directed the County’s Office of Legislative and Governmental Affairs to support legislation to increase funding for mosquito control and disease research, expand the authority and...
In December, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, led by Supervisors Hahn and Barger, introduced a motion to prioritize mosquito control and abatement. The motion directed the County’s Office of Legislative and Governmental Affairs to support legislation to increase funding for mosquito control and disease research, expand the authority and flexibility of mosquito control personnel responding to emergencies, and include mosquito control as a factor when conducting environmental evaluations.
The motion, which passed unanimously, was overwhelmingly supported by the five mosquito control districts across the County. However, no other District took the leadership role that Compton Creek embraced. Our District submitted a letter underscoring the need for additional funding and met with the County Supervisors prior to the meeting to extend our gratitude and ongoing support as technical experts.
We now look towards Sacramento and the federal government as we see what the coming year brings in terms of legislation and policy.